Patıence rıghts and responsıbılıtıes
Did you know that you have patient rights recognized in the Constitution, other legislation and international legal texts?
We are committed to protecting your rights by reminding you of your general responsibilities.
- Right to benefit from the service in general
- The right to respect for privacy
- Right to request and be informed
- The right to obtain his/her consent and name before medical interventions
- The right to fulfill religious obligations
- Respect for human values and the right to dignity
- Right to have visitors and companions
- Right to report the cost of examinations and treatment
- Right to know, choose and change the health institution and health personnel
- Right to confidential treatment information
- Right to refuse and stop treatment
- The right to lodge a complaint where he/she considers that his/her rights have been violated
- Follow recommendations for healthy living
- Providing complete information about your health
- To follow the rules of our hospital
- To cooperate with our healthcare professionals during the treatment, care and rehabilitation process
- Complying with the appointment day and time and notifying changes, except in emergencies
- Respect the rights of hospital staff, other patients and visitors
- To compensate for any damage caused to hospital fixtures or consumables, whether negligently or intentionally
- Listen carefully to advice on treatment and medication and ask questions about anything that is not understood
- Notifying the health worker if treatment is not adhered to
- Knowing that you are responsible for the consequences of refusal of treatment or non-compliance with doctor’s instructions
- To inform how and by which institution your health expenses will be covered at the application stage
- If your treatment costs are covered by any health insurance, to provide referral or official documents in a timely manner