It deals with the surgical treatment of all pathologies in the face and jawbone along with all dental surgical procedures. In the implementation of surgical procedures, the comfort of the patients, their existing diseases, anxiety and fear of treatment are primarily taken into consideration and patients are treated accordingly.


Wisdom teeth are the third largest molars, located at the back of the tooth row. These teeth, which usually last in the twenties, often persist partially or remain impacted in the jawbone due to reasons such as space restriction in the jaw, deviation in the riding position or bone density in the relevant area.

Wisdom dental surgery can be easily performed with new materials and techniques, painlessly and without problems. In this way, 20-year-old tooth extraction is no longer a fearful dream. Especially for our Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Diseases Surgeons, 20-year-old dental surgery is very simple and easily applicable operations.


Cysts are pathogenic structures that can develop in the roots of the teeth or in any part of the jawbone.

Cyst operations are not performed on time and if the cyst stays in the jaw for a long time, they may cause serious deformations in the jawbone. Therefore, the detected cysts should be surgically removed by the maxillofacial surgeon as soon as possible.

Some cysts are very large and can cause a fracture of the jaw. For this reason, our maxillofacial surgeons want to pre-determine the bone loss caused by the cyst by requesting volumetric tomography before the procedure. Thanks to 3D tomography, the borders of the jaw cyst are determined very clearly and the surgery is performed much more safely.


Implants are artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone in order to restore the function and aesthetics of teeth lost for various reasons. Teeth, which are an integral and unity part of facial aesthetics, may cause psychological and social problems as a result of the losses. Apart from these factors, it is observed that it also causes nutrition, digestive problems and speech disorders. Tooth deficiencies can be completed with conventional methods such as bridge prostheses attached to natural teeth or removable prostheses, as well as implant-supported prostheses.

Our specialist physicians recommend that if the missing dental treatment will be performed for a single tooth, it will be more protective to be treated with an implant rather than restoration with a bridge.


Cysts are pathogenic structures that can develop in the roots of the teeth or in any part of the jawbone.

Cyst operations are not performed on time and if the cyst stays in the jaw for a long time, they may cause serious deformations in the jawbone. Therefore, the detected cysts should be surgically removed by the maxillofacial surgeon as soon as possible.

Some cysts are very large and can cause a fracture of the jaw. For this reason, our maxillofacial surgeons want to pre-determine the bone loss caused by the cyst by requesting volumetric tomography before the procedure. Thanks to 3D tomography, the borders of the jaw cyst are determined very clearly and the surgery is performed much more safely.


Sinus surgery is a procedure performed on the upper jaw. In people with missing teeth in the upper jaw, sometimes the cavities we call maxillary sinus hang down due to gravity. As a result of this sagging, bone loss  occurs. As the bones losses, there is not enough bone left to implant in the missing tooth area. In such cases, sinus surgery is performed and the sagging sinus floor is lifted up and the bone support required for the implant is obtained.

  • The tampon placed on the extraction wound should be kept for half an hour.
  • Mouth should not be rinsed with water.
  • Do not eat anything for two hours after extraction, avoid very hot or cold foods.
  • Do not smoke for 24 hours. Smoking may cause deterioration of the clot and inflammation of the wound site. This condition called dry socket causes pain for a long time.
  • The extraction site should not be touched in any way, the wound area should not be sucked and spat out.
  • In case of pain, a medication other than aspirin should be preferred, and if possible, a physician should be consulted for this.
  • The extraction site must be kept clean. 24 hours after the extraction, the area should be brushed gently with a soft toothbrush.
  • It is considered normal for bleeding to last 6-24 hours with a slight leakage. However, if there is excessive bleeding or if this period is exceeded, a dentist should be consulted.
  • Likewise, in cases of prolonged pain and swelling, the dentist should be informed.

Cysts in the jaws are often of dental origin. These cysts, which can form around the tooth root, can reach large sizes if left untreated. In patients with cysts at the root tip, extraction of the tooth is not sufficient for treatment. If the tooth is extracted and the cyst is left in the bone, this cyst continues to grow and reaches large volumes. As a result, a situation may arise in which a large number of teeth need to be extracted.

Dental implants are made by surgically opening slots in the jawbone in the appropriate position, diameter and length for the planned implant. Since implant placement is a surgical procedure, it is one of the most important criteria that the materials used and the sterilisation conditions of the environment are met. For implant surgery, local anaesthesia, i.e. numbing only the area to be treated, is sufficient.

In patients who have completed the growth and development age and have a good general health condition, implants can be applied after the bone structure suitability is evaluated. Consultation is required in patients with systemic disorders. When there is no appropriate amount of bone, bone formation procedures (augmentation, bone graft application, bone powder) can be performed in the relevant area after radiological and clinical examination and the bone volume can be increased to the desired dimensions.